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Shikaku Solver
Puzzle: Shikaku Solver
Author: @Westicles
Published Difficulty: Medium
Algorithm X Complexity: The Puzzle Will Make You Smile
I distinctly remember when I first finished the Shikaku Solver puzzle. I had just gotten started with Algorithm X and, if I remember correctly, this was the first exact cover puzzle I solved that did not feel like some sort of Sudoku. I came up with an exhaustive list of rectangles that could be placed on the grid, I fed those rectangles into Algorithm X and I was immediately rewarded with a list of solutions. I remember thinking to myself, "Wow, this is so cool!" I did not have to think about the backtracking at all. Algorithm X simply worked as advertised.
The skill building in the last section should have given you a strong foundation with which to get started on this puzzle, but you still have some challenging work to do. Even if you successfully build a full list of possible rectangles and Algorithm X gives you solutions, determining the correct output will require some attention to detail.
At the time of this writing, only 180 CodinGamers had finished this puzzle in the 5 years since it was published. I hope this playground inspires many, many more people to finish it. I believe the skills learned by this deep dive into Shikaku will serve you well as you move into some of the more complex exact cover problems still to come.