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Time to Finish Mrs. Knuth - Part I

You have everything you need to finish Mrs. Knuth's first puzzle and get her through the summer. Again, this puzzle can be found here:

Mrs. Knuth - Part I

Here is a little pseudocode to help as you put together your full solution:

copy all the AlgorithmX code

define MrsKnuthPartISolver as a subclass of AlgorithmXSolver 
    override the constructor to build your requirements and actions from 
    the passed in teacher_availability and students

read all input
organize input

create an instance of your new MrsKnuthPartISolver class, passing teacher_availability and students to the constructor

for each solution in solver.solve()
    for each action in solution
        add the student/instrument to schedule at hour/day

print the schedule

If you run into trouble, review the previous sections in this playground and you will find everything you need. Now that Mrs. Knuth is ready to go, let's look at a few other puzzles you are already fully prepared to solve!

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