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Customizing Row Selection

By default, rows of the matrix are tried simply in the order in which they are encountered. When a column is selected, Algorithm X navigates down the column and builds a list of all rows that cover that column. These rows are tried, one-by-one, in the order Algorithm X found them.

Customizing the order in which Algorithm X tries rows is sometimes a bit more interesting than the columns, since MRV already provides a powerful strategy for column selection. With no strategy override, row order is based on the algorithm you used to build your actions dictionary. In the AlgorithmXSolver code, you can see the default is to return 0 for all rows, providing no guidance to Algorithm X.

    # In some cases it may be beneficial to have Algorithm X try certain paths through the matrix.
    # This can be the case when there is reason to believe certain actions have a better chance than
    # other actions at producing complete paths through the matrix. The method included here does
    # nothing, but can be overridden to influence the order in which Algorithm X tries rows (actions) 
    # that cover some particular column.
    def _action_sort_criteria(self, row_header: DLXCell):
        return 0

To demonstrate an override situation, let’s again look at Sudoku where every action probably took the following form:

action = ('place value', row, col, val)

The argument passed into _action_sort_criteria(self, row_header: DLXCell) is a row header DLXCell which allows easy access to the row title where the action tuple is stored. The following override will make sure integers for a Sudoku cell are always tried in ascending order:

    def _action_sort_criteria(self, row_header: DLXCell):
        _, _, _, val = row_header.title
        return val

The following override will make sure integers for a Sudoku cell are always tried in descending order:

    def _action_sort_criteria(self, row_header: DLXCell):
        _, _, _, val = row_header.title
        return -val

If you really want to get crazy with a dynamic strategy, the following override will order rows according to the following two criteria:

  • First, how close the number is the average of all remaining cell candidates.
  • Second, being lower than the average is prioritized over being higher than the average.
    def _action_sort_criteria(self, row_header: DLXCell):
        _, row, col, val = row_header.title
        average = sum(all remaining candidates for grid[(row, col)] / number of remaining candidates
        return (absolute_value(average - val), val - average)

I understand the example above is strange, but you could try it. Hopefully, you better understand how column and row ordering can affect your Algorithm X solution. With this in mind, let's take a look at a couple of puzzles where these techniques could be used.

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