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Harmless Rooks (cont.)

Harmless Rooks fits the same cells and groups model used on many of the previous puzzles. Each open Square on the board has a relationship with exactly 2 AttackLines and each AttackLine has a relationship with 1 or more Squares.

Harmless Rooks Classes

A Square is uniquely identified by its row and col, but it is a bit more challenging to uniquely identify an AttackLine. In the class diagram above, I have added an integer id for each AttackLine. Each class also has a reduce_() method as seen in many puzzles before.

Problem-Space Reduction

What does it mean to reduce a Square or an AttackLine? Somehow, we need to shrink the size of the larger boards by placing rooks logically. Consider the following diagram where three X locations isolate a single Square:

Rook Placement

Obviously, a rook can be placed on the isolated Square. Placing a rook in that location does not change what is possible with the rest of the board. Now, consider the following diagram where four X locations isolate a group of two Squares:

Rook Placement - 2 Isolated Squares

Placing a rook on either Square in the isolated area will eliminate 3 AttackLines from the game, the two covered by the rook and the second AttackLine covered by the other location that is now ineligible for a rook. In this case, placing a rook on each Square does the same amount of damage to the board. Because these two Squares are isolated and neither causes more damage than the other, a rook can be placed on either Square, eliminating the other Square from consideration.

Every time you find a location where a rook can be placed logically, AttackLines and Squares are eliminated from future consideration. This process shrinks the size of the problem since Algorithm X only needs to know about AttackLines and Squares that must be considered to determine the maximum rook placements going forward.

On to the Puzzle

To solve this puzzle with the Algorithm X implementation discussed in the previous pages, you must figure out ways to place many more rooks logically. We already handicapped Algorithm X by customizing it to be inefficient. The boards it can solve need to be a lot smaller than the large test cases.

Repeat Disclaimer

I have not properly solved this puzzle. I have two solutions that pass all test cases and all validators. One solution uses a combination of logic and Algorithm X. The other places all rooks logically, leaving no need for Algorithm X. Both solutions will produce the wrong answer for other test cases not included in the puzzle.

The previous pages outline my still-flawed approach.

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