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High-Rise Buildings

Puzzle: High-Rise Buildings

Author: @dwarfie

Published Difficulty: Very Hard

Algorithm X Complexity: Setting Up Algorithm X is the Easy Part


As you get more and more experienced with Algorithm X, puzzles like High-Rise Buildings should be screaming to you, “Solve me with Algorithm X!” Let’s consider the toy example and the puzzle rules from the goal section.

High Rise Buildings Example

Given a grid of dimension NxN, you must build towers on each square in such a way that:

  • The heights of the towers range from 1 to N;
  • Each row contains every possible height of tower exactly once;
  • Each column contains every possible height of tower exactly once;
  • Each numeric clue describes the number of towers that can be seen if you look into the square from that position.

Did I read that correctly? The puzzle goal couldn’t be any clearer about the requirements for Algorithm X.

build towers on each square

Each row contains every possible height of tower exactly once;

Each column contains every possible height of tower exactly once;

Every Story Needs a Hero

If anything, the last rule is the most challenging. For an N x N square, there are 4 * N “positions” from which you can look into the square. A clue is given for each viewing position indicating how many buildings can been seen. Each building blocks the view of any shorter buildings behind it. In the diagram below, the superhero has a view into the city from the top left-side position.

Multiple City Views

In the next diagram, two different superheroes have views into the city from two different positions.

City View Example

These superheroes are not important, but they illustrate a point. From the perspective of a superhero, there is no difference between one viewing position and another viewing position. Each view into the city has:

  1. A number of buildings that can be seen from that position.

  2. A list of buildings ordered from closest to furthest away.

I will call each of the 4 * N viewing positions a CityView. If you think about it, the layout of this puzzle is incredibly similar to every grid-based logic puzzle we have already looked at. There is some number of cells and some number of groupings of those cells. Once again, I suggest you use the exact same code structure to create a dictionary of all cells and then create a list of all the cell groups. To honor the puzzle's storyline, I will use the class names Building and CityView instead of a variation of Cell and Group like what was done multiple times before.

High Rise Buildings Classes

Finally, you could override your solver's _process_solution() method and make sure every CityView is valid. Using this approach, I am able to solve Test Case 2: Test 2 well within the time limit, but I time out on the other test cases. Can you guess what we might do to increase speed?

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