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The Algorithm X Matrix is Binary

Let's revisit the challenge of constructing a word search. Given a list of words and a grid of a certain size, what are the requirements?

  1. Each word must be placed on the grid.

  2. Each location may be used zero to many times, and if it is used more than once, it must always be covered, or colored, with the same letter.

The first set of requirements is easy. These requirements fit perfectly into the paradigms discussed earlier in this playground. The second set of requirements is troublesome. There is no way to know how many words will intersect at a single location on the grid and some sort of checking must be done to ensure grid locations are only colored a single way. From the perspective of words being placed on the grid, the following can be observed:

  • Each grid location may be covered by 0 or more words.

  • Any location covered by 2 or more words must be colored with the same letter by each word.

These non-binary stipulations do not fit into an Algorithm X matrix where everything is binary. The solution is to customize AlgorithmXSolver to monitor these non-binary requirements outside the Algorithm X matrix.


The binary requirements can first be put into the Algorithm X matrix. For the word search construction exercise:

requirements = [('word placed', word) for word in word_list]

For the non-binary requirements that can be colored, add an attribute to your solver subclass to keep track of the color assignments. There are many ways you could do this. For this example, I will use a dictionary where the grid locations are the keys and each value is a list. Every time a location is covered by a word, the letter that colors the location is added to the list. A cell that has an empty list may be covered by any color (letter). A cell that has a non-empty list can only be covered again properly if the new color matches what is already in the list.

self.location_colors = {(r, c):[] for r in range(height) for c in range(width)}

Finally, logic must be added to ensure coloring requirements are obeyed.

Adding Coloring Logic To Your Solver

Each time a row is selected, logic must be added to check the coloring of each grid cell covered by the word being placed on the grid. This is accomplished by overriding the AlgorithmXSolver _process_row_selection() method to do the following:

  1. Update the coloring of any covered grid location.

  2. Redirect Algorithm X if any color violations have occurred.

The pseudocode looks like this:

    def _process_row_selection(self, row):
        word and location = unpack the row
        for each letter in the word:
            if self.location_colors[location] not empty and letter is inappropriate:
                self.solution_is_valid = False


The last line above might be a little confusing. Why is the letter being added to the list even if the coloring was inappropriate and self.solution_is_valid was set to False? Backtracking can happen naturally or it can be forced because the current path is not valid. Either way, backtracking will "undo" the most recent row processing which means popping the most recent addition out of the location_colors list. This cleanup is accomplished by overriding the AlgorithmXSolver _process_row_deselection() method as follows:

    def _process_row_deselection(self, row):
        word and location = unpack the row
        for each location covered by the word:
            remove the most recent addition to self.location_colors[location]

Putting It All Together

If you have completed even a handful of puzzles so far using AlgorithmXSolver and the code structures detailed in this playground, you have noticed the code looks very similar every time. Hopefully, creating an AlgorithmXSolver subclass that incorporates these minor customizations to facilitate coloring is easy and straightforward. Of course, you’ll need to implement all the pseudocode.

If you run into difficulty…

The next section on all-or-none sets of events contains a detailed implementation with coloring that might help with general structure.

Tremendous Power From Minimal Effort

It is much more difficult to find research done on Algorithm C or the coloring of requirements than it is to find material on Algorithm X. One way or another, modifications must be made to Algorithm X if you wish to handle requirements that can be colored. The technique laid out above requires a minimal amount of customization to your solver subclass and provides tremendous power. In the next section, I will identify puzzles with which you can employ this newfound power!

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