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Solving Mrs. Knuth Part III
Puzzle: Mrs. Knuth - Part III
You already have everything you need to instruct Algorithm X to find scheduling options for Mrs. Knuth. The last thing to cover is the process of evaluating the options and determining which one is best. I’m going to leave all the score calculations to you, but I do want to show you how to make your AlgorithmXSolver
subclass handle some of the details for you.
Your code will need to evaluate a bunch of scheduling options and score each option. In order to keep track of the current best score and the current best option, let’s create a couple of new attributes in your subclass constructor.
class MrsKnuthPartIIISolver(AlgorithmXSolver):
def __init__(self, teacher_availability, students, troublesome_pairs):
self.best_score = 0 # score of the best solution found so far
self.best_solution = [] # a copy of the best solution found so far
# You might need to keep track of more than just those
# two things above since you need to "show your work".
requirements = []
optional_requirements = []
actions = dict()
# Code to set up the rows and columns for Algorithm X goes here.
super().__init__(requirements, actions, optional_requirements)
def _process_solution(self):
# need to override this AlgorithmXSolver method
What is that second method definition? Each time Algorithm X finds a potential solution, the method _process_solution(self)
is called before the yield
statement sends that solution to the code looping through solutions. You can look through the AlgorithmXSolver
code if you want to see where solutions are yielded. If you would like to use this built-in functionality, you simply override this method and add your specific scoring logic. Your code should look something like this:
def _process_solution(self):
score = 0
# Your code to score the current solution goes here. The actions that make up the
# current solution are stored in the AlgorithmXSolver attribute self.solution.
# You can loop through this list of actions, just like we have already done in
# Mrs. Knuth - Parts I and II. Just remember to include "self." because this
# functionality is taking place inside the class.
# If the current score is better than the best score, update the best score
# and save a copy of the solution as the new best_solution.
if score > self.best_score:
self.best_score = score
self.best_solution = self.solution.copy()
That is enough to get you going in the right direction. There is still plenty of work to be done on your scoring algorithm, generating a visual of the best schedule and printing the scoring intermediate steps. You've got this!