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Harmless Rooks

Puzzle: Harmless Rooks

Author: @Niako

Published Difficulty: Hard

Algorithm X Complexity: Algorithm X is the Easy Part

State of the Union

I have not properly solved this puzzle. I have two solutions that pass all test cases and all validators. One solution uses a combination of logic and Algorithm X. The other places all rooks logically, leaving no need for Algorithm X. Both solutions will produce the wrong answer for other test cases not included in the puzzle.

The following pages outline my still-imperfect approach.

Problem Statement

Harmless Rooks is a hard puzzle, but a very short Algorithm X setup can easily solve the first two test cases and get you moving in a powerful direction. Although the Algorithm X setup is not terribly complex, some background is helpful. For convenience, I have copied the entire goal statement here:

The rook is a chess piece that can move along its current line (horizontally) or column (vertically) through any number of free (unoccupied) squares.

In this problem, we consider an N × N generalized chess board where the squares are either free (. in the input) or already occupied (X in the input) and hence cannot be crossed by the rooks.

Compute the maximum number of rooks that can be placed on free squares in such a way that no two rooks threaten each other (hence two rooks on the same line/column must be separated by at least one occupied square).

A Perfect World

Rooks move along horizontal and vertical lines. On a standard 8 x 8 chessboard, there are 8 rows and 8 columns. A rook placed on location (r, c) threatens all locations in row r and all locations in column c. Because there is no functional difference between a row and a column, I will refer to all rows and all columns as AttackLines, an uninterrupted group of 1 or more cells that, together, make a horizontal or vertical line. A rook placed on any location in the AttackLine threatens all other locations in the AttackLine.

Placing a single rook on a standard 8 x 8 chessboard covers two AttackLines, one horizontal and one vertical. On any N x N chessboard, consisting of all free squares, a maximum of N rooks can be placed. Each rook occupies one row and one column. Using this unobstructed chessboard, the following problem could be considered:

Given an N x N chessboard with all free squares, how many different ways can N rooks be placed on the board, such that no rook threatens any other rook?

How could Algorithm X be set up to solve this problem? What are the requirements? Every one of the N * N AttackLines must be covered by a rook. What are the actions? Each action is simply placing a rook at location (r, c) and each action coves two requirements, one for each AttackLine coved by the rook placement.

Asking Algorithm X to find the number of possible configurations for values of N between 2 and 10 results in the following:

NValid Configurations

It is not difficult to show that for any N x N chessboard, there are N factorial ways to arrange the rooks. However, I chose to illustrate how Algorithm X could produce these results to lay the groundwork for an Algorithm X approach to the oddly configured boards found in Harmless Rooks.

Handling Occupied Spaces

Harmless Rooks has some large boards with many spaces already occupied. Since rooks cannot cross occupied squares, each occupied square either shortens an AttackLine or divides an AttackLine into two separate lines. Even a single location, bordered on all sides by occupied spaces, forms two AttackLines, one horizontal and one vertical. Placing a rook on that isolated space occupies both AttackLines.

On a board with no occupied spaces, the maximum number of rooks is always N. Each rook placed covers one column and one row. Said another way, each rook covers exactly two AttackLines and all AttackLines are covered. As soon as occupied spaces show up on a board, it can get much more difficult to cover every AttackLine. The following diagrams shows all AttackLines on a 5 x 5 board with a single edge square occupied.

Attack Lines

The board now has 11 AttackLines. Each rook placed covers exactly 2 AttackLines, making it impossible to cover every AttackLine. However, we might consider asking Algorithm X to attempt the following:

Try to cover every AttackLine by placing rooks on open squares. If no solution exists that covers all AttackLines, return the length of the partial solution that gets the closest.

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