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Create your own modules

If you make a module that could be used in other project, don't hesitate to make a pull request to the CodinGame game engine repository to make it available for everyone.

To create a module, you will need a minimum of two files:

  • A Java file containing a class implementing Module. Its purpose is to send data to the view.
  • A Javascript file that will receive the data and interact with the viewer.

You will also need to import your module to the src/main/resources/view/config.js file, in the modules array.

import { GraphicEntityModule } from './MyModule.js';

export const modules = [

Back end

Module class

Create a Java class that implements Module and add the implemented methods. Then add a constructor that injects (using Guice) an instance of GameManager<AbstractPlayer> and register your module to the game manager using gameManager.registerModule(this). This file must be placed under src/main/java.

Once this is done, your class should look like this:

public class MyModule implements Module {
    private GameManager<AbstractPlayer> gameManager;

    MyModule(GameManager<AbstractPlayer> gameManager) {
        this.gameManager = gameManager;

     * Called at the beginning of the game
    public final void onGameInit() {

     * Called at the end of every turn, after the Referee's gameTurn()
    public final void onAfterGameTurn() {
     * Called at the end of the game, after the Referee's onEnd()
    public final void onAfterOnEnd() {

Sending data

The Game Manager offers two methods for you to send data to your Javascript module. You should use them in the methods implemented from Module.

 * Set data for use by the viewer, for the current frame, for a specific module.
 * @param moduleName
 *            the name of the module
 * @param data
 *            any object that can be serialized in JSON using gson.
public void setViewData(String moduleName, Object data)

 * Set data for use by the viewer and not related to a specific frame. This must be use in the init only.
 * @param moduleName
 *            the name of the module
 * @param data
 *            any object that can be serialized in JSON using gson.
public void setViewGlobalData(String moduleName, Object data)

The moduleName corresponds to the same name you will set in your Javascript file (more details below).

Front end

Create a Javascript file under src/main/resources/view that exports your module as a class. A module has several methods called by the SDK that allows it to interact with the viewer.


export class MyModule {
   * Corresponds to the moduleName variable used in the Java module.
  static get moduleName () {
    return 'myModuleName'

   * Called when data is received.
   * Handles data for the given frame. Returns data that will be sent as parameter to updateScene.
   * @param frameInfo information about the current frame.
   * @param frameData data that has been sent from the Java module.
  handleFrameData (frameInfo, frameData) {
    // Handle your data here

    // Return what is necessary to your module
    return { frameInfo, frameData }

   * Called when global data is received. Should only be called on init.
   * @param players information about players, such as avatar, name, color..
   * @param globalData data that has been sent from the Java module.
  handleGlobalData (players, globalData) {
    this.globalData = {
      players: players,
      playerCount: players.length

   * Called when the scene needs an update.
   * @param previousData data from the previous frame.
   * @param currentData data of the current frame.
   * @param progress progress of the frame. 0 <= progress <= 1
   * @param speed the speed of the viewer, setted up by the user.
  updateScene (previousData, currentData, progress, speed) {


   * Called when the viewer needs to be rerendered (init phase, resized viewer).
   * @param container a PIXI Container. Add your elements to this object.
   * @param canvasData canvas data containing width and height.
  reinitScene (container, canvasData) {


   * Called every delta milliseconds.
   * @param delta time between current and last call. Aproximately 16ms by default.
  animateScene (delta) {


You can now customize the viewer with PixiJS! To get started with this lib, we suggest you check the PIXI.Container documentation as you will need to add your objects to one.

Reference API

Three javascript exports are available for your Modules that interact with the viewer.


Contains general purpose constants.

// The size of the drawspace on the viewer's canvas.
const WIDTH = 1920;
const HEIGHT = 1080;


Contains general purpose utility functions.

 * return word padded to width with char characters
function paddingString(word, width, char)

 * Returns a random integer from [0;a[ if b is null.
 * Returns a random integer from [a;b[ if b is not null.
function randInt(a, b=null)

 * Gets the number from [a;b] at percentage u
function lerp(a, b, u)

 * Gets the percentage position in [a;b] of number v
function unlerpUnclamped(a, b, v)

 * Gets the angle between start & end at percentage amount
function lerpAngle(start, end, amount, maxDelta)

 * Gets the x,y coordinate between 2 points at percentage p
function lerpPosition(from, to, p)

 * Gets a color which is the RGB interpolation between start and end by percentage amount
function lerpColor(start, end, amount)
 * Gets the percentage position in [a;b] of number v, clamped into [0;1]
function unlerp(a, b, v)

 * calls self.push on all elements of arr
function pushAll(self, arr)

 * Returns the scale needed to fit (srcWidth, srcHeight) inside (maxWidth, maxHeight)
function fitAspectRatio(srcWidth, srcHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight, padding)


Contains interpolation functions that map a [0;1] input to a [0;1] output.

 * Traces a bell shaped curve
function bell(x)

 * The output value quickly increseas and wobbles around 1 a little before settling.
function elastic(t)

 * The output value slowly increases and decreases
function ease(t)
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