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Your program is compiled and run in a Linux environment on a 64bit multi-core architecture.
Time limit per turn should be specified on the game’s statement.
The code size for any game is limited to 100k characters.
The memory limit is 768 MB.
Last update done on 2024, February 28th.
Here is the list of compilers/runtimes associated with each programming language:
Language | Compiler | Libraries |
Bash | GNU Bash 5.1.16 | |
C | gcc 11.2.0 mode C17 | ‑lm, ‑lpthread, ‑ldl, ‑lcrypt |
C++ | g++ 11.2.0 mode C++20 | ‑lm, ‑lpthread, ‑ldl, ‑lcrypt |
C# | C# 10.0 (.NET Runtime 6.0.9) Compiled with ‑unsafe | |
Clojure | 1.11.1 - Oracle JVM 1.8 | |
D | DMD 2.099.0 | |
Dart | 2.16.2 | |
F# | F# 6.0 .NET Runtime 6.0.9 | |
Go | 1.18.1 | |
Groovy | 3.0.8 - Oracle JVM 1.8 | |
Haskell | Haskell Platform 8.4.3 | |
Java | Oracle JDK 17.0.8 (2023-07-18 LTS) | |
JavaScript | Node 16.14.2 | |
Kotlin | Kotlin 1.7.10 | |
Lua | 5.4.4 | |
Objective‑C | Clang 13.0.1 | |
OCaml | 4.14.0 | |
Pascal | Free Pascal Compiler 3.2.2 | |
Perl | 5.34.0 | Array::Utils, List::Util, Data::Dumper, List::Compare, List::MoreUtils, threads, Moose, DateTime, IPC::System::Simple, autodie, enum, Tree, String::Util, Set::Scalar |
PHP | 7.3.9 Compiled with ‑‑enable‑mbstring, ‑‑enable‑zip, ‑‑enable‑bcmath, ‑‑enable‑calendar, ‑‑enable‑wddx, ‑‑enable‑intl, ‑‑enable‑soap, ‑‑enable‑sockets | |
Python3 | 3.9.12 | NumPy 1.20.2, pandas 1.2.4, SciPy 1.6.3 |
Ruby | 3.1.2 | |
Rust | 1.70.0 | chrono 0.4.26, itertools 0.11.0, libc 0.2.147, rand 0.8.5, regex 1.8.4, time 0.3.22 |
Scala | 2.13.5 - Oracle JVM 1.8 | |
Swift | 5.3.3 | |
TypeScript | 4.6.3 (ES2020) - Node 16.14.2 | |
VB.NET | VB 16.9 .NET Runtime 6.0.9 |
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