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Aproval process

A contribution needs 3 votes from approvers for approval/rejection to get approved/rejected.

Any contribution that doesn't respect one or more guidelines from the contribution guidelines can be rejected.

Once approved, a contribution gets published as a puzzle/game on the platform. The contribution is still accessible in the list of accepted contributions. Once rejected, a contribution is sent back to the author's list of contributions as rejected. The creator can improve the contribution and resubmit it for another community approval.

Approval Rights

There are two different approval rights:

  • Approver right: approvers can approve or reject contributions. They also can edit contributions under review (not yet approved/rejected).

  • Editor right: editors have approver rights. Editors can also edit approved contributions.

  • Any player who has played more than 50 clashes has approver rights.

  • Any player who has played more than 300 clashes has editor rights.

For all other contribution types:

  • Any player whose level is greater or equals to 20 has approver rights.
  • Any player whose level is greater or equals to 29 has editor rights.

Automatic Removal of low quality puzzles

Votes and ratings

Any member of the community can vote (upvote/downvote) a contribution or a comment. Votes are only informative.

Any member of the community can rate a puzzle from 1 to 5 stars.

Any member of the community can rate a Clash of Code puzzle from 1 to 5 stars on 4 different criteria:

  • quality of the statement
  • difficulty
  • fun
  • test cases quality

Contribution Bot

Once a puzzle/game/CoC puzzle has received enough ratings, a bot will regularly check its ratings against quality thresholds and possibly remove it from the pool of published puzzles/games/CoC puzzles.

A CoC puzzle having a bad rating in any of the 4 rating criteria will be removed.

For Clash of Code, the average rating is computed by mode; this means that modes of the CoC will be progressively removed until there is none, and the CoC contribution is finally rejected.

Any puzzle/game having a bad global rating will be removed.

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