names(iris) # lists the dimension (column) names
head(iris, 4) # show first four rows
iris[1,] # first row
iris$Sepal.Length[1:10] # sepal length of first ten samples
# allow replacing iris$Sepal.Length with the shorter Sepal.Length
attach(iris, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
mean(Sepal.Length) # average of Sepal.Length across all rows
colMeans(iris[, 1:4]) # means of all four numeric columns
# extract all rows whose Sepal.Length variable is less than 5
# and whose species is not setosa
subset(iris, Sepal.Length < 5 & Species != "setosa")
# count number of rows corresponding to setosa species
dim(subset(iris, Species == "setosa"))[1]
# Provides a statistical summary of the different dataframe columns
# Read text file into dataframe
# df = read.table("irisFile.txt", header = TRUE)
# same but from Internet location
# df = read.table("", header = TRUE)
# The following commands require an editor (e.g., Vim)
# edit(iris) # examine data as spreadsheet
# iris = edit(iris) # edit dataframe/variable
# newIris = edit(iris) # edit dataframe/variable but keep original