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NoSQL databases are a great fit for unstructured data, like in the following example:
from pprint import pprint import boto3 from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb') table = dynamodb.Table('reminder') with table.batch_writer() as batch: batch.put_item( Item={ 'timestamp': 1511652070, 'userID': '', 'ttl': 1511738470, 'checklist': ['milk', 'eggs', 'bread'] } ) batch.put_item( Item={ 'timestamp': 1511652070, 'userID': '', 'ttl': 1511738470, 'actions': [{ 'callback': '', 'payload': {'text': 'flash office lights'}, 'method': 'POST' }] } ) response = table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key('timestamp').eq(1511652070) ) pprint(response['Items']) ## [{u'checklist': [u'milk', u'eggs', u'bread'], ## u'timestamp': Decimal('1511652070'), ## u'ttl': Decimal('1511738470'), ## u'userID': u''}, ## {u'actions': [{u'callback': u'', ## u'method': u'POST', ## u'payload': {u'text': u'flash office lights'}}], ## u'timestamp': Decimal('1511652070'), ## u'ttl': Decimal('1511738470'), ## u'userID': u''}]