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Hello World
This is the classic "Hello World" program in Python. This will print whatever String (array of chars / group of letters) you have between the single (' ') or double quotes (" ")
Being able to print output is very important in coding. You can use print statements to see the values of variables, if sections of code are being executed, or the results of your algorithm.
Formatting is a major part of problem solving with code. String manipulation can be done a few ways in Python
print("Hello! " * 3)
For the rest of the examples, let's declare a String variable to use
test_string = "Hello World, but now our new string!"
Slicing is where you target or work with only parts of a string. To do this, use square brackets ([]). Within the square brackets you can set the start, stop, and step. Or in other words, the starting point, ending point, and how much to count by
Print every other letter
Reverse the string
Print single char at a certain index
This also works backwards with a negative index
Set the start point as the fifth character from the end