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TECHIO> message




Prints a STRING message to a channel.

  • When a string is printed to the standard output stream (without the use of a command), it is an implicit command message printed to the out channel.
  • When a string is printed to the standard error stream (without the use of a command), it is an implicit command message printed to the err channel.

When a message printed follows the format, FILENAME:LINE, where FILENAME matches with the name of a file of the client code editor, the text is transformed into a hyperlink which links to the associated code editor and line number.


-c, --channel <CHANNEL> CHANNEL is a channel name where the message will be printed. If the channel is not specified, the default value is out. The channel name can be any string. It will create an associated channel on the client side.


Prints hello world on the standard output channel.

TECHIO> message hello world

Prints This is a debug message. on the user debug channel.

TECHIO> message --channel "user debug" This is a debug message.

Prints a message containing an hyperlink link to the line 5 of the code editor.

TECHIO> message There is an error in the file

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