Hackmyfortress - Hacking Training Center - En/Fr


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Hacking Training Center

Welcome in the HackMyFortress - Hacking Training Center ! You want to defeat the fortress ? First, you have to learn. This online training will be updated regulary.


What you need

I've listened someone asking : what do I need to follow this online hacking super soldier course ? Simple, these things :

  • Fingers (or a voice with a speech recognition software)
  • A computer, a tablet or a smartphone
  • Internet
  • Curiosity and imagination
  • And, it's important, a brain

Now, your first lesson :

There are 10 types of people in this world, those who understand binary and those who dont.

Why 10 types of people ?

You got it : go to the next point ! Else, a clue : counting in binary (00, 01, ...). Yes, training starts now.

The content

In this online training course, you'll find theory and practice. You can then test it in real world against the fortress to earn the reward. This course contains :

  • Introduction
  • Code and languages
  • Vulnerabilities and exploitation
  • And jokes (:

Now, you can go to the Introduction if you want to follow the course logic, else, you can learn what you want.


If you want to contact us, feel free to use the contact form on the home page of HackMyFortress

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