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Compiler & Decompiler

A compiler is the term used to designate a program that transforms a written source code in a programming language into another computer language. It transforms a simple language comprehensible by man into a more complex language comprehensible by machine, machine language. Conversely, a program performing the inverse stain is a decompiler.

For example, after writing a program in C language, we can compile it with GCC in order to have an executable of our program.

gcc mon_programme.c -o mon_executable

To win the next exercice you need to compile 'hello.c' like this :

gcc hello.c -o hello

And execute :


Uncomment the code, and compile and run ./hello


The interpreter is a tool that analyzes your source code, translates it into machine language and executes it. Where your compiler compiles your code once and generates an executable, the interpreter will re-interpret your code every time you launch your program.

  • A script program is executed from the source file via a script interpreter.
  • A compiled program is executed from a block in machine language resulting from the translation of the source file.
  • A "semi-interpreted" or "semi-compiled" language includes an interpreter that reads the target language before generating a "Bytecode". A virtual machine will then execute this bytecode. The best-known semi-interpreted language is Java.

An exemple in python, an interpreter langauge, use thaht command :

python hello.py

Uncomment the code and run the program

We skip the compiling step, python read the code and execute directly.

An exemple en ruby, use that command for running the program : ruby jello.rb

Uncomment code and run the program
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