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Background Topics - Lambda expressions

A lambda expression is a convenient way of defining an anonymous (unnamed) function that can be passed around as a variable or as a parameter to a method call. Many LINQ methods take a function (called a delegate) as a parameter. Here is an example of what a lambda expression looks like:

Func<int, int> multiplyByFive = num => num * 5;
// Returns 35
int result = multiplyByFive(7);

The expression num => num * 5 is a lambda expression. The => operator is called the "lambda operator". In this example, num is an input parameter to the anonymous function, and the return value of this function is num * 5. So when multiplyByFive is called with a parameter of 7, the result is 7 * 5, or 35.


Notice that the num parameter doesn't explicitly specify a data type. The compiler always infers the data type of lambda expression parameters from context. In this case, the context is that the lambda expression is stored in a variable of type Func<int, int>. This means that it takes an int parameter and returns an int result.

You can also create lambda expressions with more than one parameter, as shown here:

Func<int, int, int> multiplyTwoNumbers = (a, b) => a * b;
// Returns 35
int result = multiplyTwoNumbers(7, 5);

We won't be using multi-parameter lambda expressions much in this course

Return value

Notice also that there is no return statement. Single-line lambda expressions don't need to explicitly use the return keyword to return a value. This same thing could also be written as:

Func<int, int> multiplyByFive = num =>
    int product = num * 5;
    return product;
// Returns 35
int result = multiplyByFive(7);

In this case, since the lambda expression has more than one line, both the return keyword and the brackets { } around the statements are requried.


In this exercise, write a lambda expression that returns the provided value plus one.

Lambda Expressions Exercise
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