Reactive Programming with Reactor 3


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Until now, your solution for each exercise was checked by passing the Publisher you defined to a test using a StepVerifier.

This class from the reactor-test artifact is capable of subscribing to any Publisher (eg. a Flux or an Akka Stream...) and then assert a set of user-defined expectations with regard to the sequence.

If any event is triggered that doesn't match the current expectation, the StepVerifier will produce an AssertionError.

You can obtain an instance of StepVerifier from the static factory create. It offers a DSL to set up expectations on the data part and finish with a single terminal expectation (completion, error, cancellation...).

Note that you must always call the verify() method or one of the shortcuts that combine the terminal expectation and verify, like .verifyErrorMessage(String). Otherwise the StepVerifier won't subscribe to your sequence and nothing will be asserted.


There are a lot of possible expectations, see the reference documentation and the javadoc.


In these exercises, the methods get a Flux or Mono as a parameter and you'll need to test its behavior. You should create a StepVerifier that uses said Flux/Mono, describes expectations about it and verifies it.

Let's verify the sequence passed to the first test method emits two specific elements, "foo" and "bar", and that the Flux then completes successfully.

Verify Simple flux

Now, let's do the same test but verifying that an exception is propagated at the end.

Verify an error

Let's try to create a StepVerifier with an expectation on a User's getUsername() getter. Some expectations can work by checking a Predicate on the next value, or even by consuming the next value by passing it to an assertion library like Assertions.assertThat(T) from AssertJ. Try these lambda-based versions (for instance StepVerifier#assertNext with a lambda using an AssertJ assertion like assertThat(...).isEqualTo(...)):

Lambda and assertion

On this next test we will receive a Flux which takes some time to emit. As you can expect, the test will take some time to run.

Wait some time

The next one is even worse: it emits 1 element per second, completing only after having emitted 3600 of them!

Since we don't want our tests to run for hours, we need a way to speed that up while still being able to assert the data itself (eliminating the time factor).

Fortunately, StepVerifier comes with a virtual time option: by using StepVerifier.withVirtualTime(Supplier<Publisher>), the verifier will temporarily replace default core Schedulers (the component that define the execution context in Reactor). All these default Scheduler are replaced by a single instance of a VirtualTimeScheduler, which has a virtual clock that can be manipulated.

In order for the operators to pick up that Scheduler, you should lazily build your operator chain inside the lambda passed to withVirtualTime.

You must then advance time as part of your test scenario, by calling either thenAwait(Duration) or expectNoEvent(Duration). The former simply advances the clock, while the later additionally fails if any unexpected event triggers during the provided duration (note that almost all the time there will at least be a "subscription" event even though the clock hasn't advanced, so you should usually put a expectSubscription() after .withVirtualTime() if you're going to use expectNoEvent right after).

StepVerifier.withVirtualTime(() -> Mono.delay(Duration.ofHours(3)))

Let's try that by making a fast test of our hour-long publisher:

Virtual time
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