Kotlin Tour


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Nullable types


All types in Kotlin are non nullables (they don't include the null value).
To do so the type must be explicitly marked as nullable with the ? sign.

Declare a String variable called name and set it to the null value

Safe calls


Calling a function on a nullable value might raise a NullPointerException.
Thanksfully Kotlin has a safe call operator : ?.

Declare a nameLength variable holding the length of the name String. What is its type ?



What if we don't want to stay in the dangerous nullable world and escape from it ?
We can thank Elvis for that and use the operator ?: allowing to specify a non-null value to use in case the value is null.

Declare a length variable holding the length of the name String, 0 if name is null

I ❤️ (K)NPE


Finally if really we want to raise a NullPointerException we can use the !! operator.

Declare a function npe returning the length of the given String, throwing a NullPointerException if the string is null



In Kotlin the keyword as is used to cast an object into a specific type. If the cast fail a ClassCastException is raised, as? can be used to return a null value if the cast failed.

Smart casts


Using the operators is and !is we can check if an object is of a given type. What's really nice is that with smart casts the compiler infer the type of our object after these operators.

Implement a function smartadd that can add String or Int and throw a IllegalArgumentException otherwise
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