Kotlin Tour


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Kotlin makes programming fun again so naturally the fun keyword is used to declare a function 😀.

Declare a function add which adds two Ints

If we only have one return statement we can transform the function to use only an expression.

Rewrite the previous code using a single expression

We could go one step further and remove the return type as the compiler will be nice enough to infer it for us.

Drop as much as you can

Note: inferring the return type works only for single expression function, the compiler won't try to infer it for functions with block body so overuse single expression function 😁.

If a function doesn't return anything we use the Unit type :

Declare a function printing a meaningful sentence

Named arguments


When calling a function we can change arguments order by naming them in the call :

fun sub(a: Int, b: Int) = a - b

print(sub(b = 1, a = 2))        // 1

Default arguments


Never dreamt of assigning default values to some arguments instead of having to define multiple overloading functions ? Guess what ? You can 😀 :

Declare a function strEq returning either two strings are the same or not, ignoring or not their case

Tip : use @JvmOverloads to generate overloading methods for Java code.

Local Functions


You can declare local functions, having access to outer scope :

Define a function checking if a number is even or not



It is possible to extend existing classes with new functionalities, even existing JVM classes.
We just need to prefix the function name with the receiver type, followed by .. The receiver will be accessible as this in the function.

Create a function tail returning the tail of a given string

Infix notation


Using infix keyword and extension functions we can use infix notation for some of our functions :

Declare an infix function inc that can increment an Int



As in Java we might need to pass a variable number of arguments. In this case we need to prefix the argument by the keyword vararg :

Declare a function sum that can sum an infinite number of Ints

Operator Overloading


At last we can overload common operators using the operator keyword 😃 :

Define a plus operator to add two Points a function sum that can add an infinite number of Ints

Tail recursion


A tail recursive function can be marked as such with the tailrec keyword.

Define a freq tail recursive function counting the number of a character in a string

Beware: contrary to Scala the compiler won't raise an error if you incorrectly marked a function as tail recursive.

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