BrainFuck part 13 - Funky output


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Let's add colors ( but in a less verbose way...)

Color codes are from 30 to 37 and 90 to 97 + 39 for default color code.

Let's write a very simple program that asks for a color code, then prints some text and loop.


>>+++++++++[->+++>++++++++++>++++++>+++++>++++++   generate special chars
++++++>+++++++>+<<<<<<<]>>+>--->+++>+>++>+<<<<<<     ** part 2 **
<++++++++                                          do 7 times
  ->.>.>.>.>.<<.>.>>.+.+.+.+.+.----->.<<<+<<<<     print ABCDEF using color 3X
>>>++++++>--------<<<<++++++++                     change 3 into 9 and do 7 times
  ->.>.>.>.>.<<.>.>>.+.+.+.+.+.----->.<<<+<<<<     print ABCDEF using color 9X
>>>----->--------<<<<++++++++                      change 9 into 4 and do 7 times
  ->.>.>.>.>.<<.>.>>.+.+.+.+.+.----->.<<<+<<<<     print ABCDEF using color 4X
>>>--->--------<<<<++++++++                        change 4 into 1 and do 7 times
  ->.>.>.-.+>.>.<<.-.+>.>>.+.+.+.+.+.----->.<<<+<<<<     print ABCDEF using color 10X
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