BrainFuck part 4 - Advanced maths


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Square root, part 1 : Newton's method

Well, ok, it's not square root, it's integer part of square root

In most programming languages, this integer square root (iSqrt) is generally computed using the very fast Newton's method.

Let's have a function f, its derivate f'; and we want to find z so that f(z) = 0. For any start value value x0 we can define x1 = x0 - f(x0)/f'(x0), then x2, x3, ...

Newton's method states that for a 'good' x0, xN values will converge to z.

So, how can it help us ? Define f(x) = x^2 - n : f(sqrt(n)) = 0. f'(x) = 2x. And X-f(X)/f'(X) = X-(X^2-n)/2X = X/2 + n/2X = (X+n/X)/2

Example : I want find square root of 250. I start with half this value : 125. Then

  • 125 ==> (125+250/125)/2 = 63.5 ==> 63
  • 63 ==> (63+250/63)/2 = 33.48 ==> 33
  • 33 ==> (33+250/33)/2 = 20.28 ==> 20
  • 20 ==> (20+250/20)/2 = 16.25 ==> 16
  • 16 ==> (16+250/16)/2 = 15.8 ==> 15
  • 15 ==> (15+250/15) = 15.8 ==> 15

Stop: answer is 15; and indeed 15^2 < 250 < 16^2

Corner case : 63 (we can start with 63)

  • 63 ==> (63+63/63)/2 = 32 ==> 32
  • 32 ==> (32+63/32)/2 ==> 16
  • 16 ==> (16+63/16) ==> 9
  • 9 ==> (9+63/9)/2 ==> 8
  • 8 ==> (8+63/8) ==> 7
  • 7 ==> (7+63/7) ==> 8

Call the source value X and target value Y, for each step : we cannot stop when X==Y (first case); because it does not work for the second one (it will be 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, ....)

We need to stop when X<=Y (this explains why this post comes after the LE / GT one ^^)

Let's start

  • Memory: N, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
  • Cursor: on N
  • Input: any


  • Memory will be N, loop flag, current X, 0, 0, ....
  • Copy N into current X
  • Set loop flag to 1
  • While loop indicator is set
    • reset loop flag
    • We need X
      • to compute Y (twice, but a single copy will be enough)
      • to compare against Y
      • to be the final result
    • We need N
      • to compute Y
    • So first, create copies of N and X
      • Memory: N, 0, X, 0, X, N, 0, 0, 0, X, 0
    • Divide N/X
      • Memory: N, 0, X, 0, X, 0, R, 0, 0, R', N/X
      • R+R' = X (hence, we can reconstruct our second X needed to compute Y)
    • Compute 2Y first = X+N/X = R + R' + N/X
      • Memory: N, 0, X, 0, X, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2Y
    • Y will be needed
      • to compare against X
      • to be the final result (if needed)
      • Memory: N, 0, X, Y, X, 0, 0, 0, Y, 0, 0
    • Compare
      • Memory: N, 0, X, result, 0, 0, 0, 0, Y, 0, 0
    • If result is 1 (X > Y)
      • set loop flag to 1
      • reset X and replace by Y
  • Loop
    • Here, X <= Y. Answer is X

Note: this algorithm works modulo 256. And not just about N : 2Y as well has to be less than 255 or it will fail (e.g. 255 does not work, because 2Y = 256 = 0)


[->+>+<<]>[-<+>]+                                    Copy N into X and set loop flag
[                                                    While loop flag is set
  -                                                  reset loop flag
  >[->+>+>>>>>+<<<<<<<]>[-<+>]                       Copy X
  <<<[->+>>>>+<<<<<]>[-<+>]                          Copy N
  >>>>[->+>>+>-[<-]<[->>+<<<<[->>>+<<<]>]<<]         Divide N by X (euclidean division)
  >[->>>+<<<]>>>[->+<]                               Build 2Y
  >[-[-<<+<<<<<+>>>>>>]<[>]>]                        Build Y and store twice (note : to divide 2Y by 2: subtract 1 then if not null subract 1 and add 1 to the result and ends up to the same place in both cases)
  <<<<<<<[->>+<[->-]>[<<[-]>>->]<<<]>[[-]<+>]<       Compare Y and X
  [                                                  Y less than X; continue
    <[-]>>>>>>[-<<<<<<+>>>>>>]<<<<<-<<+>>            reset X and replace by Y; reset result; set loop flag
<<]                                                  loop

Minified version


Final state

  • Memory: N, 0, iSqrt(n), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Y, 0, 0
  • Cursor: after N
  • Input: unchanged
  • Output: unchanged

Test program

This program mixes all the previous steps : it reads an integer from the input and writes its iSqrt on the output

>,[>++++++[-<-------->]>+++++++++[<<<[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]>-]<<[-<+>],]<   read integer
[->+>+<<]>[-<+>]+[->[->+>+>>>>>+<<<<<<<]>[-<+>]<<<[->+>>>>+<<<<<]>[-<+   iSqrt
>]>>>>[->+>>+>-[<-]<[->>+<<<<[->>>+<<<]>]<<]>[->>>+<<<]>>>[->+<]>[-[-<    ** part 2 **
<+<<<<<+>>>>>>]<[>]>]<<<<<<<[->>+<[->-]>[<<[-]>>->]<<<]>[[-]<+>]<[<[-]    ** part 3 **
>>>>>>[-<<<<<<+>>>>>>]<<<<<-<<+>>]<<]                                     ** part 4 **
>>>>>>>[-]<<<<<<                                                         clear Y
[>>>>++++++++++<<<<[->+>>+>-[<-]<[<<[->>>+<<<]>>>>+<<-<]<                print result
<]++++++++[->++++++<]>[-<+>]>>>>[-<<<<+>>>>]<[-]<<<]<[.<]                 ** part 2 **
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