BrainFuck part 4 - Advanced maths


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Euclidean division

Now we are able to read an interger. The next step would be ability to print an integer.

However, we first need to have an algorithm for euclidean division in order to implemented the "print integer" program.

Euclidean division is an operation on A (dividend) and B (divisor) that returns Q (quotient) and R (remainder), with

  • A=B * Q + R
  • 0 <= R < B

In BrainFuck, this can be implemented like this

  • Decrease dividend
  • Increase remainder
  • Decrease divisor
  • If divisor = 0 then
    • note that now, remainder = initial divisor
    • so: rebuild initial divisor from remainder
    • reset remainder
    • increase quotient

and repeat as long as dividend is not null. When it reaches 0, then we have the remainder, the quotient,....

Let's start

  • Memory: A, 0, 0, 0, B, 0
  • Cursor: on A
  • Input: any


  • Invariant : memory = dividend, remainder, 0, else flag, divisor, quotient with B = divisor + remainder and A = quotient * B + dividend + remainder
  • while dividend is not null
    • decrease dividend
    • increase remainder
    • set else flag
    • decrease divisor
    • invariant is still valid here
    • If divisor is not null reset else flag
    • Go left
      • divisor not null : between remainder and else flag (0)
      • divisor null : on else flag (1)
    • if not null (divisor null, on else flag)
      • rebuild divisor (move remainder to divisor)
      • increment quotient
      • reset else bit
      • move left
    • again invariant is still valid here
    • In all cases we are between remainder and else flag
  • Loop
  • Memory = 0, remainder, 0, 0, divisor, quotient; with A = quotient * B + remainder


[                    while dividend is not null
  -                  decrease dividend
  >+                 increase remainder
  >>+                set else flag
  >-                 decrease divisor
  [<-]               if divisor is not null reset else flag
  <[                 and if divisor is null
    <<[->>>+<<<]     rebuild divisor
    >>>>+            increase quotient
  <<-<]              move between remainder and else flag (reset it btw)
<<]                  loop

Minified version


Final state

  • Memory: 0, R, 0, 0, B', Q with A = B * Q + R and B = B'+R
  • Cursor: on first cell
  • Input: unchanged
  • Output: unchanged

#Test program

This code divides 131 by 2 and print quotient (65, ASCII code A) as many times as the remainder

>++++++++++[-<+++++++++++++>]<+          (131)
>>>>++<<<<                               (2)
[->+>>+>-[<-]<[<<[->>>+<<<]>>>>+<<-<]<<] division
>[>>>>.<<<<-]                            and print quotient as many times as the remainder

Result : A

You can replace first two lines by these examples

  • +++++[->+++++<]->[-<++++++>]>>>+++<<<< : 149 = 49 x 3 + 2, it prints "1" 2 times
  • ++++++++[->++++<]+++>[-<+++++>]>>>++++<<<< : 163 = 40 x 4 + 3, it prints "(" 3 times
  • etc...
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