Introduction à JavaScript - WOA JS


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Hands-on Demo

What is the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything?
Luke, how many stars are there in these galaxies?

Check out the markdown file to see how this exercise is injected into the template.

# Un second test

@[Launch the server]({ "stubs": ["map/index.html"], "command": "node server.js" })

renders as:

Launch the server

Template Resources

markdowns/ What you are reading here is generated by this file. uses the Markdown syntax to render text, media and to inject programming exercises.

nodejs-project A simple Nodejs project dedicated to run the programming exercise above. A project relies on a Docker image to run. You can find images on the Docker Hub or you can even build your own.

techio.yml This mandatory file describes both the table of content and the programming project(s). The file path should not be changed.

Visual and Interactive Content provides all the tools to embed visual and interactive content like a Web app or a Unix terminal within your contribution. Please refer to the documentation to learn more about the viewer integrations.

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