Kotlin Iniciante


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Next: Basics

Esse playground é uma visão geral dos recursos da linguagem Kotlin. Vou apresentar a sintaxe para iniciantes e explicar o básico, e o que faz do Kotlin uma linguagem que merece sua atenção.


This guide assume that you have some basic knowledge on programming principles.


I'll describe the following features as clearly as possible:

  • Basics
    • Variables
    • String templates
    • Control expressions
    • Loops
  • Classes
    • Properties
    • Inheritance
    • Data Classes
    • Sealed Classes
    • Visibility
  • Functions Basics
  • Nullability
  • Java interoperability
  • Type Checks and Smart Casts
  • Collections
  • Ranges
  • Operator overloading
  • Functions Extended
    • High-Order functions
    • Lambdas
    • Inline functions

For all this parts you'll find some explanation, flat code and nice interactive examples, that will show how Kotlin is a friendly companion to play with.

This documentation is born from the desire to share some knowledge about Kotlin and the benefit to use a nice platform as tech.io.

If you really want to get further with Kotlin I suggest you to read the book Kotlin In Action.

NB: This Playground is wildly inspired by the [Kotlin documentation](https://kotlinlang .org/docs/reference/basic-syntax.html)

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