BrainFuck part 9 - Sort arrays with Bubble and QuickSort


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Bubble sort

The bubble sort is clearly not know as the best sort algorithm, though it's easy to implement.

Compare two adjacent cells and swap the 2 values if first is greater than second, then move the bubble along the array. This way, smaller values will be moved up, like bubbles on water.

Let's start

  • Memory: 0 array 0 0 0
  • Cursor: after last array cell
  • Input: any


  • note : we will go through the array from end to beginning, to make sure there is always enough space
  • Set a continue loop flag to 1
  • Memory : 0 0 array1 0 0 0 0 0 array2 0 loopFlag
  • While loop flag is not null
    • Reset loop flag
    • Go to the end of array1
    • While there are 2 cells
      • Copy them
      • Compare copies
      • If 1st > 2nd
        • moves 1st to beginning of array2
        • set loopFlag to 1 (reset, then set to 1)
      • otherwise move 2nd
    • move array2 back after array1
  • loop if needed


>>>>>>+                       set loop flag
[-                            loop: reset flag
  <<[<]<<<<<                  go to end of array 1
  <[                          while there are at least 2 cells
    [[->>>>+<<<<]>]           move the 2 cells
    >>[[-<<+<<+>>>>]>]        copy and move back
    <<<[->+<]<[->+<]>>[-<<    swap the 2 values and then 
    +>>]+<<[->[->]>[<<[-]>>-    compare them 
    >>]<<+<<]>[[-]<+>]>-<+<    ** part 2 **
    [->-<                     2nd smaller than 1st: reset else flag
      <<[->>>>>>+<<<<<<]      move 1st value at beginning of array 2
      >[-<+>]                 and move 2nd at end of array 1
      >>>>>[>]>[-]+           set loop flag to 1
    <<[<]<<<]>[-              else 1st smaller then
      <<[->>>>>+<<<<<]        move 2nd value at beginning of array 2
    >>]                       end if / else
  <<<<]                       loop on new pair
  >>>>>>>[[-<<<<<+>>>>>]>]    move array2 back
>]                            loop if flag is set
<<<<<<                        go to original position one cell after array

Minified version


Final state

  • Memory: 0 sorted array 0 0 0
  • Cursor: after last array cell
  • Input: unchanged
  • Output: unchanged

Test program

This program reads chars from the input, then sort and print them.

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