BrainFuck part 3 - Write a BF interpreter in BF


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Completed interpreter

We just have to puts all these parts together now :)

Code (minified version)


Code with comments

separator 35/0
inc 43/8
read 44/9
dec 45/10
print 46/11
left 60/25
right 62/27
while 91/56
loop 93/58

0 0 0 {instructions} 0 IP current bit_else 0 inactive_flag direction_flag memory_pointer MPcopy/read_value 0 0 0 0 0 {memory}


  parse current instruction
    check if instruction is while (increase flag) or loop (decrease flag)
        clear instruction read
        instruction: loop
        decrease inactive_flag
      instruction: while
      increase inactive_flag
      if inactive_flag = 0 then reset direction_flag
    set instruction read to 1 to consider it as a non instruction
                    not an instruction
                    instruction: loop
                  duplicate memory pointer and move to copy
                    go to next memory cell
                    (re)init/copy memory indicator
                  go to current memory cell and copy value
                  move array back to initial position
                  check current memory value: do nothing if null and move to corresponding while otherwise
                    if not null (current position: next to memory_pointer)
                    reset value
                    decrease inactive_flag and change direction_flag
                  instruction: while
                  duplicate memory pointer and move to copy
                    go to next memory cell
                    (re)init/copy memory indicator
                  go to current memory cell and copy value
                  move array back to initial position
                  check current memory value: do nothing if not null and move to corresponding loop otherwise
                    if null (current position: next to memory_pointer)
                    increase inactive_flag
                instruction: right
              instruction: left
            instruction: print
            duplicate memory pointer and move to copy
              go to next memory cell
              (re)init/copy memory indicator
            go to current memory cell and print value
            move array back to initial position
          instruction: dec
          duplicate memory pointer and move to copy
            go to next memory cell
            (re)init/copy memory indicator
          go to current memory cell and decrease value
          move array back to initial position
        instruction: read

        duplicate memory pointer and move to copy
          go to next memory cell
          (re)init/copy memory indicator
        go to current memory cell and read value
        move array back to initial position
      instruction: inc
      duplicate memory pointer and move to copy
        go to next memory cell
        (re)init/copy memory indicator
      go to current memory cell and increase value
      move array back to initial position
    increase or decrease instruction counter based on direction_flag

Test program

It is possible to test the interpreter with this input for example


It prints some chars calculated from the first one given in input (H) to end up with HELLO WORLD

Note: the original code executes in less than 850 operations (849 exactly)

The interpreter runs this code in 65.622.379 operations, so an average ratio of 77.924 operations to process one single instruction !!

Executing BF using a BF-written BF interpreter is, currently, 80.000 times longer...

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