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Understanding FortressJS

FortressJS is a jailed framework. Each part is modular and each module is separated from others.

FortressJS structure is composed of :

  • Base framework
  • Engines
  • Servers
  • Apps and plugins
  • Hosts
  • Zones
  • Pages
  • Jail

Base framework

The base framework is a set of libraries used in FortressJS. You can add yours. The base framework is autoloaded in a WF object. It's a singleton callable in the app.


Engines' role is to construct a server. They handle the request and do global tasks.


Servers are entities composed of engines, that are binded on ports and get a number of threads. Each server could be binded on one or much port, and could be launch with one or much threads.

Apps and plugins

Apps and plugins are more specific to an application or a website. They will manage API, login, etc. They are added in the level of the host.


Hosts are like apps or websites : they will listen for a specific domain (mydomain.tld), or all (with a wildcard). They can have specific apps and plugins.


Zones let you separate your code and your assets without compatibily problems. For example, /admin needs jQuery v.3.2.1 and /user needs jQuery v.1.11, you could separate /admin and /user in 2 differents zones, and have a single jquery.js in each.


Pages are a simple MVC (Model / View / Controller) mechanism. A page is automatically mapped on an uri. This uri can be changed in the page configuration file. For example, the page home will be binded on http://mydomain.tld/ and the page about will be binded on http://mydomain.tld/about.


The jail folder is where you can put all your assets. It's like a www folder on Apache or Nginx, but nothing is interpreted or executed in it.

Install Your first server

A server is just a folder. You just have to put it in the server folder in FortressJS. We have create a simple engine and a simple server to begin. Follow theses steps to start your first server :

Download FortressJS

git clone

then, copy the engine in the engine folder

cp -r start-engine fortressjs/content/engine/

next, copy the server in the server folder

cp -r start-server fortressjs/content/srv/

now, start FortressJS :

cd fortressjs && nodejs wf.js

Install and run your first FortressJS server

You are ready to play with FortressJS !

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