Journey to Master Python (WIP)


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In python there are three different namespace

  1. global
  2. local
  3. builtin

Rougly namespace in python in a dictionary containing bunch of variables. So every object has __dict__ associated with it. That contains all the attributes that belong to that object. You can modify them for fun and profit.

Tricky bit is the scope of the namespace and where are those visible. This is defined by the scope. Variable is first searched in the inner most namespace, and then to enclosing namespace (for example functions inside functions) and moves to global and finally builtin.

Global Namespace

To see what to see in modules' namespace, you need to access its __dict__ which is done by calling globals(). If you are running a standalone python file then the module is called __main__

module_dict = globals()
Global Namespace

Builtin Namespace

Python automatically imports all the builtin functions into every modules' namespace without polluting the modules' __dict__. So when you see modules' dictionary you wont see them directly. You can still access them in variety of ways.

In below example we are modifying builtin function.

Builtin Namespace

vars() returns the local namespace. If it is called inside function it returns functions __dict__ It also takes an argument which could be any object and returns its __dict__ object.

Local Namespace

This could be module or function or class. To get access to local namespace dict you can call locals() or if you want to access any object's namespace call vars(objname).

Inside function if you call locals() or vars() you will get currently visible namespace as dictionary and should not be modified.

But inside class/module you get the object's __dict__. You can modify for fun and profit.

Local Namespace
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