Getting Started with Go


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Basics of Go

Variables and Declarations

You can declare a variable of a specific type like this:

var i int

by default that assigns a default value of 0 for this type. For other types for example booleans it is false, for strings is "" and so on.

Go has a shorthand variable declaration operator, :=, which can infer the type:

var i := 1000 // notice => No semicolons!

note that you cannot redeclare the i using := as it has already been declared:

var i := 1000

// Compiler error
i := 1001

you can also use that for multiple declarations and assignments:

name, money := "Theo", 1000
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2 . What is the value of c after this statement?: var c complex128

Functions Declarations

Bellow are some examples of function declarations in Go:

func log(message string) { // takes 1 parameter

func add(a int, b int) int { // takes 2 int parameters and returns an int

func power(name string) (int, bool) { // takes 1 string parameter and returns an int and a boolean

To use just simply call the functions. If you do not care about the return values use _

_, isPowerful = power("Theo")
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