Jumping from Angular1 to Angular


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In Angular1, you used to create component or directives in Angular1 to make reusable web components. They still exist in Angular, and they are awesome!

Most of the things you do in Angular will be components. For example:

  • Where you used AngularJS directives, you will use components
  • Where you used AngularJS modules, you will almost always use components
  • Where you used AngularJS components, you will use components


In Angular1, you would declare a component like this:

theModule.component('componentName', {
  templateUrl: 'path/to/template.html',
  controller: function() {

But hey, how does it work? How do I use this component in a template? There is some angular1 magic where camel case <componentName> will become <component-name> but it's kinda odd, especially since you didn't ask for it. What if I want to specify a custom tag name that is different from the name of the component?

Let's look at how Angular does it. You need a class and a @Component decorator:

  selector: 'compo',
  templateUrl: './compo.html',
  styleUrls: ['./compo.css'],
class Compo {
  awesome: string = 'yes';
  • selector is the tag name
  • templateUrl is the same as in Angular1, you can also use inline template
  • styleUrls, this is the cool new feature as you can add a list of stylesheets to include. You can also use inline styles

The class serves as a controller for your component.

Cleaner. Leaner. Let's try it out:

Component demo

In order to register and use them, declare your components in your @NgModule, in order to register it and be able to use it. Add it to the list of component declarations of your module:

  declarations: [


There are a bunch of other properties associated with the @Component decorator, like a list of providers it will use. You need to reference these providers if your component uses them.

Refer to the official Component documentation for a list of usable properties.

What happened to...

The $onInit, $onDestroy, $onChanges hooks?

Angular component have a series of lifecycle hooks you can use. A complete list and guide are available here.

To use one of these hooks, OnInit for instance, first thing first you will need to import it from the Angular core library:

import { OnInit } from '@angular/core';

Next, you will need to have your component class implement OnInit (and any other hook you need):

class Compo implements OnInit {

Lastly, you can add a ngOnInit function to this component class:

ngOnInit() {
  this.logIt('On Init');


AngularJS directives used to have a transclude property, but now Angular components support transclusion by default. Just use the <ng-content> tag in your template like so:

<div class="component">
  <ng-content><!-- Transcluded data, if any, will come here --></ng-content>

Then, call your component with data that will be transcluded automatically

<my-component>Data to be transcluded</my-component>
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