Getting started with Vue


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Vue.js - Day 1


Learning goals

After theses courses, you will:

  • Understand what is Vue.js and in which case it is used
  • Be able to create your first Vue.js application
  • Understand the steps used by Vue.js (lifecyle)
  • Learn how to use the Vue.js syntax
  • Use directives, filters, computed properties and watchers


Exercice 1

Instead of displaying Hello Vue, display Hola Ironhack just by changing the index.js file.

Display Time

Exercice 2

Instead of displaying Hello Vue, display the current time like this: The current time is 09:42 (if the hour is 09:42). Don't worry if the time is not dynamically updating.

Display Time

Exercice 3

Tutorial: Instance-Lifecycle-Hooks

Add the following lifecyle hooks in the index.js file and display the value of number in the console to see what happens:

  • created
  • mounted
  • beforeUpdate
  • updated
  • destroyed
Display Time

Exercice 4

Tutorial: Template Syntax

Follow the instructions in the comments in index.html

Template syntax

Exercice 5

Tutorial: Template Syntax

Follow the instructions in the comments in index.html

Template syntax

Exercice 6

Tutorial: Computed Properties and Watchers

(Work in progress)

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