C# Professional - Basics & OOP - Exercises


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Equality - Exercises

The following exercises will focus on implementation of proper equality between two objects.

Overriding .Equals() method

The first equality implementation when comparing two objects is to override the .Equals() method.

Implement the required code to ensure that the comparison will return true when two users have the same first name, last name and date of birth.

Note: Don't forget to make sure that your code can handle comparisons with null or other types correctly

You can use the Object.ReferenceEquals(object a, object b) method to do reference comparisons

Implement .Equals()

Implementing == operator

Once .Equals() method has been overridden properly, implementing custom logic for the == and != operators is a good practice to have consistent equality.

Add an implementation of the == and != operator to the class to support the proper comparison. Make sure that you implement both operators, or the code will not compile.

Reminder: the operator implementation declaration is public static bool operator == (User left, User right)

Implement equality operators

Overriding GetHashCode()

The GetHashCode() method is used by the .Net Framework to do comparison of objects when working with hash-based collections (i.e. HashSet<>). If you override the implementation of .Equals() you should make sure that the .GetHashCode() method is also overridden.

Add a custom implementation of .GetHashCode to our User class.

Reminder: the method override declaration is public override int GetHashCode()

Override .GetHashCode()
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