Flocking Autonomous Agents


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All kinds of steering strategies exist and depend on what effect you are trying to achieve. In our example, the boids apply a small acceleration in whichever direction the ruleset tells them to go in.

In our case, we want our boids to make an "intelligent" decision to steer towards a target point based on its perception of its state and environment.


We will implement a minimalistic physics engine for our boids to move around in.

We start by giving our Boid a physical presence with a position, a velocity and an acceleration vector.

function Boid() {
	this.position = new Victor(0,0);
	this.velocity = new Victor(0,0);
	this.acceleration = new Victor(0,0);

💡 You may wish to add mass to your boids too if you're going for a more advanced engine.

Each tick of the engine, we'll want to update the speed and position of each boid.

Boid.prototype.update = function() {
	// Update velocity

	// Apply velocity to position

	// Reset acceleration

An acceleration force will be applied continually to the boid. To limit its speed we can simulate friction by multiplying the velocity by a coefficient contained in the range [0;1].

	var friction = 0.01;
	// Apply friction
	this.velocity.multiplyScalar(1 - friction);

💡 The boid's current friction could be based on its position in the environment. Maybe you want patches of mud or ice?


Our boid can now advance by accelerating. It still needs to decide how it will accelerate.

This decision can be based on a goal. You can think of a boid's goal as a desired velocity.

Craig Reynolds defined the following steering strategy steering force = desired velocity - current velocity.

Boid.prototype.steer = function(desired) {
	return desired.subtract(this.velocity);

This will make our boids jump straight into the desired velocity. However, we can limit how strong their acceleration can be for more fluid, natural movement.

function limitForce(vector) {
	var maxForce = 0.05;
	if (vector.length() > maxForce) {
	return vector;

💡 You could also get your boids to accelerate at max force regardless of the length of the destination velocity. This might make some boids appear to get over-excited at times.

In summary

  • Craig Reynold's steer function gives us a vector to get from one velocity vector to another. This is the steering force.
  • We want to simulate natural movement in our boids so we limit that force by a max force variable.
  • The resulting vector becomes the boid's acceleration.

Boid Diagram

Hands on

Try to complete the code below to achieve a steering strategy in your boid as described above. The boid's desired speed vector will be given to the steer() function which must return the appropriate steering force.

📐 Here, the desired speed is set to 6 pixels per step. There are approximately 60 steps per second. Adjust the friction and max acceleration force accordingly. For instance, if the maxForce if 0.01 and friction is 0, your boid will reach desired velocity in 600 steps (~10 seconds).


You can try changing the steering strategy and see how your boid compares to the sample boid.

💡 If you increase the desired speed in steer() but use the same implementation, you can get a less slow yet similar result.

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