Using StructureMap with ASP.NET Core


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This example shows how to use Structuremap dependency injection framework with ASP.NET Core instead of framework-level dependency injection. For framework level dependency injection example check out my playground Framework-level dependency injection with ASP.NET Core.

Adding StructureMap to ASP.NET Core project

For Structuremap support in ASP.NET Core application we need two NuGet packages:

  • StructureMap - core StructureMap package
  • StructureMap.Microsoft.DependencyInjection - adds support for ASP.NET Core

These packages are enough for getting StructureMap up and running.

Demo services

For demo purposes let's define primitive messaging service interface and couple of implementations.

public interface IMessagingService
    string GetMessage();

public class BuiltInDiMessagingService : IMessagingService
    public string GetMessage()
        return "Hello from built-in dependency injection!";

public class StructuremapMessagingService : IMessagingService
    public string GetMessage()
        return "Hello from Structuremap!";

We need two implementations to demonstrate how built-in dependency injection is replaced by StructureMap.

Defining StructureMap registry

StructureMap uses registry classes for defining dependencies. Direct definitions are also supported but for more complex applications we will write registries anyway. Here is our registry class.

public class MyStructuremapRegistry : Registry
    public MyStructuremapRegistry()

Attaching StructureMap to ASP.NET Core application

StructureMap is attached to ASP.NET Core when application is starting up. We have to make three updates to ConfigureServices() method of StartUp class:

  • initialize and configure StructureMap container
  • make ConfigureServices return IServiceProvider
  • return IServiceProvider by StructureMap
public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

    services.AddTransient<IMessagingService, BuiltInDiMessagingService>();

    var container = new Container();

    container.Configure(config =>
        config.AddRegistry(new MyStructuremapRegistry());

    return container.GetInstance<IServiceProvider>();

Notice that there is also dependecy definition for framework-level dependency injection. Let's see which implementation wins.

Trying out StructureMap with ASP.NET Core 2.0

Let's make some minor updates to Home controller and Index view to get message from injected service and display it on home page of sample application.

Click Run below code


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